Purple Pack


  • Receive all your textbook course materials before the first day of class
  • Save 35-50% on the cost of course materials each term
  • Benefit from a highly personalized service



Upon registering for courses, you will be automatically enrolled into the program.


Starting 30 days before the first day of classes, you will receive an email to verify your order and select your fulfillment preference.


当您的订单准备好取件或发货时,将发送电子邮件通知. Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Blackboard.

What is the Purple Pack Program?

Purple Pack是一种简化学生体验的教材教材交付模式, lowers the cost of materials, 并确保学生在上课的第一天或之前能够获得所有必需的课程材料. Through this innovative program, 实体书包装方便,以学期租赁的方式提供给学生, and access to digital material is directly within Blackboard, 全日制学生360美元(12个或更多学分/学期),非全日制学生180美元(11个或更少学分/学期). At the end of the term, 学生将收到电子邮件提醒,将租用的实体课程资料归还给书店.

Frequently Asked Questions

Purple Pack Program


  1. Undergraduate level courses
  2. 攻读公共卫生或卫生服务管理本科/研究生课程的学生.
  3. ATI适用于本科护理专业,并要求其他本科专业采用类似的系统. 这些程序的可访问性将在供应商根据供应商服务协议指定的时间内继续存在.

  • Register for your classes and the bookstore will start preparing your course materials
  • One month before classes start, 您将收到Barnes & Noble学院的电子邮件,指导您选择您的送货偏好(店内提货或直接送货)。
  • 当您的订单准备好取件或发货时,将发送电子邮件通知
  • Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Blackboard.


The following items are excluded from the Purple Pack program: adopted school supplies, kits, uniforms, art supplies, calculators, non-required course materials, or items deemed not a textbook. In addition, 紫色包计划不包括运送到书店或校园指定地点以外的学生的运费.


在选择退出窗口期间,学生可以选择每个学期选择退出紫色包计划. The opt-out period begins on August 5 and ends on August 27. By opting out, 学生将无法在方便的包装中收到所需的材料,并且在选择退出窗口关闭后,他们将无法访问数字内容.  Options for purchasing course materials after opting out can be found on the bookstore website. To begin the opt-out process, please visit the opt-out website.

To change your opt-out status and opt into the Purple Pack program, follow the instructions found in your opt-out confirmation email. Please note you must make your final selection by August 27.


本学期期末考试的最后一天是归还所有租来的课本的截止日期. Students will receive reminders ahead of the rental deadline to their UE email address.

Yes, 该计划为您提供了在学期内以折扣价购买任何租赁教科书的选择.

Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.

学生将收到来自书店的电子邮件通知,提醒他们确认他们的订单并选择他们的履行偏好. If the student does not opt-out, 他们的材料将存放在书店,他们的学生账户将被扣款.

Yes, if the student does not opt-out, 他们的材料将存放在书店,他们的学生账户将被扣款.

If course materials have been picked up or delivered for the dropped class, those materials should be returned to the bookstore within 48 hours. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will “swap” the required course materials so that you have what you need.




In the event you do not return Rental Materials, Barnes & 贵族学院保留要求您支付适当的租金替换费(新课程材料售价的75%)的权利,并且/或者您可能在未来的学期中没有资格参加紫色包计划. 在你被认为没有资格参加该项目后,你的不合格将适用于第一个秋季学期.


The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital textbook versions to eligible students.

Faculty Questions

教师必须在截止日期前向书店提交他们选择的课程材料. 坚持这个时间是至关重要的,这样课程材料就可以在学生第一天上课之前订购并按时到达包装.

No. There are no restrictions on the course materials faculty select for their course(s). All required course materials, from any publisher, in their preferred format, are included in the program. However, faculty members are required to choose between physical materials (hardcover, looseleaf, etc.) or digital (ebooks).

书店致力于确保教材采用平台与新教材同步更新, 因此,教师必须尽快通知书店他们的教学任务的变化.

学生按每学期所修学分的总数来计算课程费用, not by the number of courses utilizing the program. However, 学生们通常仍然认为,即使他们的一些课程不需要教材,也可以通过图书捆绑计划节省总体费用. 如果学生正在实习,或者只有一到两门课程有必要的材料, these may be limited reasons for a student to opt out of the program.

BNC is committed to lowering the costs of course materials for students, and with an integrated supply chain and economies of scale, 紫色包计划带来了一个新的和创新的方式,为澳门皇冠的学生提供负担得起的解决方案. The program will be evaluated annually to assess costs and affordability.