Faculty and Staff

Katie Thomas

Mrs. Katie Thomas

Clinical Assistant Professor and Chair of Nursing

Thomas's Full Biography

Katie is a clinical assistant professor and chair of the Dunigan Family School of Nursing, teaching mainly at the Sophomore level. As a Perinatal clinical nurse specialist, Katie在三州围产期担任高危产科高级执业护士超过10年. She has worked in Obstetrics for most of her nursing career. 她于2006年开始了她的学术生涯,在UE的医院担任儿科和产科的兼职教授. 2018年,她回到母校,开始在英国威廉希尔中文网站(University of Evansville)担任全职护理助理教授. Katie is currently pursuing her Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Educational Leadership. 工作之余,凯蒂与丈夫和三个活泼的孩子住在印第安纳州的纽堡.
Briana Alvey

Mrs. Briana Alvey

Assistant Professor of Nursing


Briana Alvey is a clinical assistant professor in the Dunigan Family School of Nursing. As an APRN specializing in women’s health, Briana has worked as an advanced practice nurse in women’s health for over ten years. 2003年,她开始了她的护理生涯,作为一名分娩护士在床边工作,后来获得了MSN,并进入了女性健康办公室. 此外,布里安娜还为女执事妇女医院教授各种社区教育课程. She serves as an American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor. 2018年,她开始了自己的学术生涯,在常春藤科技社区学院的医院环境中担任副教授,教授产科. In January 2024, 她开始在英国威廉希尔中文网站全职教学,担任大二和大三的护理助理教授.

在护理之余,Briana与结婚25年的丈夫居住在肯塔基州的Dixon. She enjoys traveling, especially to visit her two children. Her oldest child resides in Atlanta, 乔治亚和她的儿子目前是位于安纳波利斯的美国海军学院的一名海军军官候补生, Maryland.

Paige Baumann

Mrs. Paige Baumann

Assistant Professor of Nursing


Paige is a clinical assistant professor of nursing at the University of Evansville. 她于2017年毕业于路易斯维尔大学,获得护理学学士学位. 她于2021年毕业于波尔州立大学,获得护理学硕士学位(护士教育专业). She is currently pursuing her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Paige’s clinical background is in medical-surgical nursing, including neurology, oncology, orthopedics, and trauma. 她获得了医学外科护士学会认证的外科注册护士和全国护理联盟认证的护士教育家的资格.


Donna Cobb

Mrs. Donna Cobb

Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing

Cobb's Full Biography

Donna teaches at the sophomore and senior levels. Her primary clinical background is in emergency and critical care nursing, having practiced as a nurse in in adult, pediatric, and neonatal critical care areas. Additionally, she has served as a clinical educator in the acute care setting.
Joan Fedor-Bassemier

Mrs. Joan Fedor-Bassemier

Simulation Coordinator and Professor Emeritus of Nursing

Room 214, Graves Hall
Fedor-Bassemier's Full Biography

Joan Fedor-Bassemier是英国威廉希尔中文网站杜尼根家庭护理学院的名誉教授和模拟协调员. Joan is instrumental in planning, 在UE模拟实验室开发和实施最先进的技术,并将模拟整合到护理课程中.
Jerrilee LaMar

Dr. Jerrilee LaMar

Professor Emeritus in Nursing

Room 204, Graves Hall
LaMar's Full Biography

Jerrilee is a professor emeritus in the Dunigan Family School of Nursing. She also serves as an American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor.
Joanie Moyer

Mrs. Joanie Moyer

Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing


Joanie Moyer is a clinical assistant professor in the Dunigan Family School of Nursing. Joanie started as a certified nursing assistant in 2008, later returning to school and obtaining her LPN in 2012. Joanie graduated in 2016 from the ASN program at Lock Haven University in Clearfield, PA. 随后于2020年获得学士学位,并于2022年获得西部州长大学护理教育硕士学位. 琼妮在英国威廉希尔中文网站开始了她的职业生涯,当时她是一名兼职教授,帮助2022年毕业班的临床指导. In addition to coming to the University of Evansville to teach, Joanie works in the operating room as a circulating nurse at Deaconess Hospital. She was born in Massachusetts and raised in Pennsylvania. 琼妮于2016年12月搬到印第安纳州南部,并计划与丈夫在普林斯顿大学抚养两个男孩, IN area permanently. 她的兴趣包括户外活动以及旅行,她的目标是在她的儿子们高中毕业之前和她的家人一起参观所有五十个州.
Melissa Rea

Mrs. Melissa Rea

Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing

Room 231, Graves Hall
Rea's Full Biography

梅丽莎是杜尼根家庭护理学院的临床助理教授,专注于整个生命周期的内外科护理和社区健康. As a certified gerontological clinical nurse specialist, Melissa worked as an advanced practice nurse in geriatric primary care for 12 years at St. Mary's Senior Care Clinic. In 2007, 她的学术生涯始于在南印第安纳大学教授临床老年学的兼职教授. In 2009, 她回到母校,开始在英国威廉希尔中文网站任教,起初是兼职教授,然后在2010年1月成为护理学助理教授.
Jamey Williams

Mrs. Jamey Williams

Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing


Jamey Williams is a clinical assistant professor in the Dunigan Family School of Nursing. 她于2006年毕业于南印第安纳大学护理学院,并于2018年获得西部州长大学护理教育硕士学位. 最近,杰米在女执事妇女医院协调了模拟教育项目. 她还继续作为床边护士工作在儿科和儿科重症监护室St. Vincent's and holds a certification in pediatric nursing. She has a strong passion for education and improving healthcare in our community. 她已婚,有三个忙碌的孩子,喜欢执教足球、旅行和任何户外活动.
Breaha Wininger

Mrs. Breaha Wininger

Assistant Professor of Nursing


Breaha是杜尼根家庭护理学院的临床助理教授,也是董事会认证的急症护理护士执业者. 她于2005年获得英国威廉希尔中文网站的本科学位,并于2011年获得印第安纳大学普渡大学印第安纳波利斯分校的护理学硕士学位. Her primary clinical background is in critical care, specifically trauma and general surgery. 2015年,她回到印第安纳州南部,从那时起,她一直在埃文斯维尔外科协会(Evansville Surgical Associates)担任急性护理护士. In 2023 she began her career in academia, 首先在英国威廉希尔中文网站担任兼职教授,然后在2024年1月担任助理教授. Breaha enjoys spending time outdoors and traveling with family and friends in her spare time.


Stephanie Stoll

Mrs. Stephanie Stoll

Operations Coordinator for Dunigan School of Nursing
