

The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 ranks in the top 20 master's-granting universities nationally for per capita number of students who study abroad (almost 50 percent). Our students are internationally engaged and study at hundreds of destinations such as:

  • 阿根廷
  • 澳大利亚
  • 奥地利
  • 智利
  • 中国
  • 哥斯达黎加
  • 埃及
  • 法国
  • 德国
  • 加纳
  • 希腊
  • 洪都拉斯
  • 冰岛
  • 意大利
  • 日本
  • 韩国
  • 马达加斯加
  • 墨西哥
  • 摩洛哥
  • 秘鲁
  • 俄罗斯
  • 卢旺达
  • 海上学期
  • 塞内加尔
  • 南非
  • 西班牙
  • 瑞士
  • 乌干达
  • 阿拉伯联合酋长国

国际 studies students have the flexibility to study abroad because their financial aid travels worldwide while they study with approved international programs. 国际 studies students can also receive a credit of $500 to their tuition charges the semester after they complete the study abroad to defray travel costs.


Harlaxton 为国际学生提供特殊福利. 这栋19世纪的维多利亚式庄园位于伦敦以北110英里处, 哈里克斯顿充满文化气息,为学生提供特殊的教育机会. Harlaxton Manor was recently selected as one of the top 100 manors in the United Kingdom and was recently 在美国排名第一的留学项目.

因为四天的课程安排, 学生们可以去英国和欧洲大陆的其他地方旅行. 两个, four-day weekends each semester make it possible for students to travel to more distant locations such as Paris, 莫斯科, 罗马, 雅典, 巴塞罗那, 奥斯陆, 布拉格, 柏林, 或《威廉希尔中文网》.

Tuition, room, and board at Harlaxton are the same as they are at the Evansville campus.


The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 now has a student exchange agreement with the University of Málaga in Málaga, 西班牙. 每年春季学期, students will be able to attend the University of Málaga by paying only their regular tuition at 英国威廉希尔中文网站.


  • UE学生必须达到西班牙语B2水平.
  • UE students should start the application process by May1 of the year prior to the year they plan to go abroad. This will allow them to select the courses that the student wants to take while abroad and determine how the credits will be transferred back to UE. 
  • 申请流程应在10月1日之前完成
  • UE学生最多修18个学分, with the option of taking an internship (6 credits) with the Department of Translation and Interpretation in the Department of English Studies at University of Málaga.
  • Students will finalize the registration process upon arrival at University of Málaga.
  • Students will pay tuition and fees to UE while paying room and board to University of Málaga. Málaga大学将帮助学生找到住宿.
  • Students participating in this program shall be responsible for the cost of their travel to and from Málaga, 西班牙.

如果您有任何疑问,请联系Dr. 罗瑞娜·安杜扎( pa55@keramicke-plocice.net .


除了广泛的海外学习选择, 英国威廉希尔中文网站有很多实习机会. 国际 internships make a difference when applying to graduate school or for jobs in the competitive workforce. 更多喜欢冒险的学生被安排到俄罗斯的美国国务院工作, Time 北京杂志, 瑞士的联合国, 华盛顿的中央情报局, 欧盟在比利时.


所有国际研究专业的学生都要完成一个广泛的, 在他们大四的时候做的原创研究项目. Some of these research projects are presented at one of several regional and national undergraduate research conferences conducted each year. 另外, 学生有机会参与与教师的联合研究, 进一步展示了学生与教授的密切互动.


UE sends its students to various National Model United Nations (NMUN) conferences to prepare them to become better global citizens and the next generation of international leaders. 学生们最常参加的是印第安纳州国际项目联合会.


Alejandra Aguilar

作为法院指定的特别辩护人, 我陪同儿童和青少年在寄养系统中摸索. 除了出席法庭聆讯和会议, my priority is to make their voice heard and do everything in the best interest of the child. 2023年7月, Judge Niemeier of the Vanderburgh Superior Court Juvenile Division invited the incoming CASA volunteers to sit on the bench and take pictures using the gavel, 这是独一无二的. Being a voice for a child has been both challenging and full of learning experiences!


过去一年里, 我没有一次有机会出国留学, 但两次, as a student pursing a double major in 国际研究 and Business Administration. My first opportunity, like many other lucky students at UE, was a hop across the pond to Harlaxton. 哈里克斯顿被释放了. 这次经历让我走出了自己的舒适区, gaining outward skills like planning and time management while also practicing the all-important task of self-reflection. 这是一个很棒的第一次尝试,但对我来说还不够沉浸. 所以,下学期我决定去日本学习,改变一下. 有着与美国截然不同的文化, the complete immersion that came with living in the 日本ese countryside with a host family, 而对其他学生缺乏熟悉的语言, 我从来没有感到如此的挑战,也没有感到如此的满足. 在日本, 我被迫为自己说话, 问问题, and to come out of my shell in a way that would result in lasting friendships with 日本ese, 蒙古, 保加利亚, 和其他美国学生. 这些经历不仅影响了我的大学生活, 但更重要的是我的世界观和我现在看待自己能力的方式. “这是我干的”,我会说. “I flew with friends to Denmark” or “I figured out how to use the bus system today”. 每一个微小的瞬间都是巨大的胜利, and I am so grateful for the 国际研究 program and all the amazing staff members at UE for helping me every step of the way. 给所有想出国留学的学生, 或者正在考虑, 我所能说的就是“去做吧”. 即使这看起来很可怕. 即使这看起来很难. 根据我的经验,这些挑战都会变成温馨的回忆.




问问玛丽莎·米切尔(玛丽莎·米切尔),她是如何能够四次出国留学的, 拥有三个专业, 完成一次实习, 四年后毕业, 你会得到一个微笑. “我一直很忙。, 而是通过和我的导师合作, 我能够制定一个时间表,让我完成这么多. 由于我的专业是相关的,所以有些课程是重叠的."

玛丽莎在格兰瑟姆的哈里克斯顿留学, England; in Grenada, 西班牙; South 韩国; and Shanghai, 中国, 她还在哪里实习过. “我在西班牙的夏天是一种沉浸式的体验, 我住在一个只会说西班牙语的寄宿家庭. 学习一门语言和必须一直使用它是有区别的. 我能够去韩国作为我的教授得到的研究经费的一部分. 补助金支付了所有费用. The research group went to nine universities in South 韩国 and did a survey on attitudes about American politics and culture. Our next step is to compile the research and present our findings at conferences and our papers will be published on the Asian Network Web site."

Marissa's internship in Shanghai was with an international marketing company and her responsibilities were to translate a catalog into Spanish and research eco-friendly materials. “把时间花在研究环保产品上, I was able to see how much work is put into developing products for different markets. You have to be certain that the product will work in the target countries and that information is translated accurately. 知道在一个产品上投入了多少时间, 我只能想象不同的政府要花多少时间. While in Shanghai, I also lived with a host family, and only the son spoke any English. 然而,在经历结束后,他们告诉我,‘现在我们有了一个美国女儿.'"